JPS is a director, designer, and narrative enthusiast based in Boston, MA. He is the Artistic Director of Vagabond Theatre Group -- a Boston-built company dedicated to the exploration and production of new work -- in which capacity he has directed VTG’s IRNE-nominated productions of Burning the Barn and Burning Up the Dictionary, as well as the Norton nominated Breaking the Shakespeare Code. James is also Core Contributor and dramaturg for The Big Times Project -- an open ended multi-media serial drama. Other directing credits include IRNE- and Norton-nominated Two Boys Lost (Stickball Productions), True Believers, Supergravity and the Eleventh Dimension and A Southern Victory - Parts I, II, and III (VTG). Around town, he has directed for (among others) The Big Times Project, Third Citizen Theatre Co., The Dinosaur Factory, Also Known As Theatre, Open Theatre Project, SHOTZ Boston, Playwrights' Platform, Solas Nua, Praxis Stage, and the One-Minute Play Festival. James holds a degree in Film & Television from Boston University.